Short Stories


Two slide projectors running at different speeds.
One of them is projecting subjects, the other one is projecting violent - sometimes absurd - acts, drawn from private lives, news media, social phenomena, and historical events. All these big and small stories that make up History get condensed into one sentence. Each subject can potentially be the performer of each act. These text-slides act as mental images.

a spinster .................................... cuts off his tongue
a witness ..................................... eats human flesh for pleasure
a young man ............................. attacks a she-wolf
a father ....................................... deep-freezes his daughter
a child ......................................... bites his father
a kamikaze ................................ explodes her own breast
a young woman ...................... gets drunk on perfume
a girl ............................................. hides diamonds in her vagina
a thief .......................................... steals silk to satisfy her needs
two children ............................... tie up their parents
a man .......................................... snorts his fathers ashes
a madwoman ........................... strangles a bird with her bare hands
a little girl ..................................... throws her baby through the window
two young mothers ..................cover their face in mud
three men .................................. hide in a tomb
a poor man ............................... sells out the eyes of his son
a family ....................................... beheads dog
a woman .................................... soaks her skirt in petrol and sets it alight
a boy ........................................... bites the inside of his cheek
a virgin ........................................ digs a tent-peg into her lovers’ temples
a clumsy guy ............................. sticks his right eye together with glue
a little girl .................................... squashes a fly between her two fingers
a mother .................................... throws her baby through the window
a young boy .............................. cuts off a nipple in desperation
a bride ........................................ dies from acid burns from her husband
an old woman .......................... dies suffocated by her own hair
an elderly ................................... scratches his groin away to kill time


Deux projecteurs de diapositives ne défilant pas à la même vitesse.
L’un projette des sujets, l’autre des actes violents parfois absurdes, issus de faits intimes, faits divers, faits de société ou faits historiques. Toutes ces petites et grandes histoires qui font l’Histoire, se trouvent ici condensées en une phrase. Chaque sujet peut alors potentiellement être le protagoniste de chaque acte. Ces diapositives-textes agissent comme des images mentales.