ENG extract Tuesday 23rd August The disappearances Lucie, 10.16, Foubre Alice, 19.20, Redou Jeanne, 11.10, Valdor Anne Laure, 13.53, Fontenelle Esther, 10.47, Ponthes Delphine, 9.53, Therry... The inhabitants of the region of Valdor are panic-stricken. The list of...
EN 8 miniature manuscripts, framed. 2 magnifying glasses This series of microscopic manuscripts originates from any hidden message between cracks, in books, in the lining of clothes... From messages of passage to the passing of messages, Agnès Geoffray transcribes textual fragments from members of...
ENG Paul Sant was found dead in his home, slumped on his hallwayfloor. He had died from a gunshot wound to his left eye. The murderer seems to have shot th rough the peephole in the front door. Everything suggests that Paul Sant was mistaken for a namesake. The optogram also known...
EN Envelopes, folders, handwritten albums which contents are invisible to us. Through titles and notes invented by the artist, writing makes this fictional projection possible in front of these containers that remain closed. A few are opened, letting constrained and enigmatic pictures emerge, like...
ENG Paul Sant was found dead in his home, slumped on his hallway floor. He had died from a gunshot wound to his left eye. The murderer seems to have shot through the peephole in the front door. Everything suggests that Paul Sant was mistaken for a namesake. She had...
ENG unlookable trash if he gets me he hide me, if he hides me I go crazy don't look at me, don't look anybody even with my back to you I can always feel the weight of your gaze you are a monster and nobody can ever look you in the face as long as I don't...
ENG Every night I am locked in a box. Full of blue fluroescent tubes. I spent half of my life lying in this box. The light runs across my body, not one bit is left unexposed. Everything must be blue. It is the requirement of my survival. No blue light, no life. I am yellow. A rare...
ENG It was bending, twisting, crawling so that it could free itself from the hold. It was wriggling and jumping on itself, so eager was it to finally move. It was wildly swinging backwards and forwards, without being able to stop. Eventually, it was coming out. It was visible,...